If you missed out last night here’s the recap! Thank you to everyone who came and hung out with me as we celebrated the release of Christoffer Johansen and the Gyllenhammar Flame.
book reading
Video: Seriously Fierce Launch Party: Book 7
I had such a wonderful time with everyone. Thank you fiercelings for joining me for the midnight release party for Christoffer Johansen and the Return to Jötunheim.
You’re Invited to the Launch Party for Book 7 in the Zaria Fierce Series!
Join me for an evening to celebrate the book birthday of Christoffer Johansen and the Return to Jötunheim.
There will be games:
- Seriously Fierce Scavenger “Wild” Hunt – You can start anytime on the quest as I’ve posted it in anticipation of the event. This gives everyone plenty of time to do it!
- Seriously Fierce Live Trivia Event – Play from your phone, computer, or tablet. It’s super fun and easy to do. Be sure to use a name that I can recognize and is all ages friendly. The highest scoring individual wins a prize!
- Seriously Fierce Book Bingo – Go ahead and grab your bingo card early. Print it out or play online. Make a note of the card number as it will be used to verify your card. The individual to call Bingo wins a prize!
There will be a live reading from the book.
There will be time for questions and answers.
At some point it’s basically guaranteed that there will be a dog stealing the show. Oskar is a cutie. If you see him give a shout!
The event is hosted live on Facebook and will be posted to YouTube for replay for anyone who misses the evening. So pop the popcorn, grab a drink, wearing your fuzzy socks, and comfy pj’s and let’s have a party!
RSVP so you don’t miss out on the fun:
Date: May 1, 2020
Time: 10:00 PM – 11:30 PM
Where: Online, Zaria Fierce Facebook page
Watch: Aleks Mickelsen and the Call of the White Raven Midnight Party
Hi Fiercelings,
Did you miss the midnight party for Aleks Mickelsen and the Call of the White Raven? Now you can watch the replay. Thank you so much to everybody who came and participated and to my lovely and talented cohosts – Tommy and Michele Carpenter. You are all amazing and made my night. Happy book birthday to Aleks (again ?)
Games are also posted here for your enjoyment. How many can you complete? They’re tough but doable! Good luck!!
Word Scramble:
Word Search:
Congratulations to Davita, Nate, Tommy, Gus for winning at book bingo. Thanks everyone for playing.
I can’t wait to meet up with everyone again at the next release. It is tentatively scheduled for late December 2018. What would you like to do or talk about? Let me know in the comments.
Don’t forget to leave reviews on the books! They help so much and mean the world.
Recap: Suntree Viera Library Book Reading and Signing on Aleks Mickelsen and the Twice-Lost Fairy Well
Thank you everyone who came out last Saturday for my book reading at the Suntree Viera Library! It was so nice to run into new and longtime fans. Some fun things I got to try out this time was my new table display for my book business cards, my new banner, and my Seriously Fierce scale necklaces. What do you think? Aren’t they fabulous?
If you missed the event, here’s a recap and rewind. You can watch my reading of chapter two from the book here:
Highlights from the Q&A + Transcript:
Audience: Do you work with Eoghan Kerrigan, as if he was like a police artist, so that this is actually what you’re imagining when you’re writing?
Me: I wouldn’t say he works like he’s a police artist. He doesn’t pick my brain to quite that extent. He gets documents (and the book itself) that have all the characters pulled out so that he has their descriptions. For the especially important characters, we do a series of mock-ups, and I pick the ones that feel more like my character. In that way we do what you’re talking about.
So if it’s a hooked nose, or a sharp pointed nose… he knows the details of how they’re described. He’ll take the information and interpret it. It’s as fun for me to see how what I’m saying from my mind and how I’m picturing it to how he interprets it. Some of them are really close, and some are so much better than how I pictured. They’re fabulous and I love working with him.
Audience: Good, good, because when you’re reading you’re always picturing in your mind, and if you got the illustrations as a visual clue for what they look like, instead of us going off on a tangent. It’s nice to know what they look like.
Me: What’s also fun that gives you another dimension of how the characters look is if you hear the audio book and how Michele’s does it, because she interprets how the voices are going to sound. In this book, there’s a bunch of trolls, and she has to go back and remember how the returning trolls sound. They were described as having voices, deep, and guttural, and grumbling, and so she has a variety of voices.
Now we have teenage trolls this time, who are all about the same age as the kids. There’s older trolls, conniving trolls, silly trolls, so they all have a variety of sounds and when she whips them out one right after the other, “I’m like how do you do that?” because it’s hard enough for me to do even Nori’s voice, and she’s not a troll, but a high pitched female.
Audience: So you have to remember which voice you’re doing?
Me: Yes, but she does a fabulous job with them and I feel it gives you a different dimension to how you picture the characters too. If a troll talks like this (deep) you’re going to picture him very (muscular) versus talking like this “Hello” (higher pitched). She also does the brownie voices and they get very squeaky, so you kind of get an idea of height and breadth simply based on how she does the voices. It’s really cool actually.
Audience: Who is Svein?
Me: He’s… well, I don’t want to say a throwaway character, because you never know when someone comes back, but he’s a character who’s just hanging around by the airport, when the kids go up and fly, and he knew Geirr. So he’s kind of like a copilot and tour guide. He’s like the older representative to convey to the inspectors and everybody at the scene after the crash that Geirr is an excellent pilot and knows what he’s doing. He’s there to be a witness to say that the plane didn’t crash because Geirr is a bad pilot, but to say the plane crashed because of something else, which is important because otherwise poor Geirr might never fly again.
I’ll wrap up by saying thank you again to everyone for making it out to see me. I had a blast!
Mark Your Calendars for a Fierce Book Event: 8-19-17 at the Suntree Viera Library
Join me for a reading from the fourth book in the Zaria Fierce Series at the Suntree Viera Public Library. Following the reading there will be time for a Q&A and a chance to get your books signed. There will be a limited number of books available for purchase at the event. I have a lot of fun planned and I hope to see you there!
When: Saturday, August 19, 2017
Book: Aleks Mickelsen and the Twice-Lost Fairy Well
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Where: Suntree Viera Public Library
Address: 902 Jordan Blass Dr.
Melbourne, FL 32940
Phone: (321) 255-4404
Hours: Sat. 9AM–5PM
Book Cost: $15 ea.
Zaria Fierce and Aleks Mickelsen are the perfect gifts for a reader in your life.
RSVP on Facebook: Direct Link
[fb_plugin page href=”https://www.facebook.com/ZariaFierceTrilogy/” tabs=”events”]