The following entries provide a brief glimpse into some of the characters from the Zaria Fierce Trilogy.
Zaria Fierce:
Hair: Dark, somewhere between brown and black
Eyes: Violet
Skin Color: Creamy coffee
Bio: Zaria was adopted when she was a baby into the Fierce family. Her adoptive father is black and her adoptive mother is Indian. Zaria’s father is a Colonel and pilot in the U.S. Air Force, which means they moved around a lot. Moving to Norway just before her thirteenth birthday was always meant to be the start of a new adventure – Zaria just didn’t realize how adventurous it would become.
Likes: Reading (especially fantasy novels,) antique maps, saris, winter-wyverns, and mother-daughter bonding activities
Dislikes: Trolls and MRE’s (they taste gross.)
Christoffer Johansen:
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skin Color: Tan
Bio: Christoffer Johansen is the eldest of three siblings. The younger two are his diaper-wearing twin sisters and they poop a lot. He’s lived in Fredrikstad his whole life, although his parents immigrated to Norway some time ago. His father, Zhuang, is a doctor. His mother is a middle school history teacher and also his first period teacher. So while the family has a Border Collie named Defender, Christoffer will never be able to say the dog ate his homework. Bummer.
Likes: Hanging out with friends, rock climbing, Border Collies, video games, his twin sisters (although he’d never admit it,) snowboarding
Dislikes: Getting detention from his mom, getting kidnapped by a smelly river-troll, and missing out on all the fun.
Filip Storstrand:
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Green
Skin Color: White
Bio: Filip Storstrand likes to stay active and enjoys many sports during the school year. He is the younger of two children, with his older brother, Collin, at university. He likes his mum, but she fusses way too much. Luckily for Filip one of his many talents is his ability to cajole his mother into letting him do what he wants. This particular talent has let Filip and his friends spend many a sleepover together during the school week even when they have homework. The only thing he hasn’t been able to wheedle from his mother is a dog, to that request she has always said no.
Likes: Weekends without homework, wrestling, football (for Americans this is soccer), hockey, fighting trolls, and sledding
Dislikes: Waiting, being bored, doing chores, getting captured by trolls, and being imprisoned
Aleks Mickelsen:
Hair: Red/Ginger
Eyes: Brown
Skin Color: Pale and freckled
Bio: Aleks is a changeling like his maternal grandmother. This makes him fey and he has the slightly pointy ears to prove it. Aleks however considers himself human and doesn’t really notice the aspects that make him fey, like being great out in the woods, camping, or the fact that he can never get lost. Because of his natural abilities nobody likes to play hide and seek with him. His friends say he takes all the fun out of the game. His favorite hobby is sailing which he gets to indulge in when his paternal grandfather comes to visit from Oslo and the two of them rent a sailboat for a day.
Likes: Long weekends, camping, fishing, video games, rock climbing, action movies, tall ships, sailing, and his grandparents
Dislikes: Homework, people touching his ears, school days that never seem to end (especially right around the break,) and hunting (he likes to eat meat, but he doesn’t believe in the sport)
Geirr Engelstad:
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin Color: Black
Bio: Geirr is the middle child with an older sister and a younger brother. His mum is always telling him to be nicer to his sister and a good role model for his brother. Geirr is earning his pilot’s license and plans to take his practical examination as soon as his mother lets him. He pays for his lessons by doing extra chores around the house and babysitting. His parents believe community service is important so twice a month he volunteers with his dad and sister at a soup kitchen while his mum and brother volunteer at an animal shelter.
Likes: Flying, snowboarding, wrestling, science, history, Aleks’ gran’s stories, video games, and ice cream sundaes with extra fudge topping
Dislikes: Messy spaces, heights, his sister’s perfume which she sprays way too much of (it smells like feet), being chased by mythical creatures in the woods, and math