A: I have three. The first is when Zaria and Geirr meet Norwick for the first time. I like it because Zaria is undaunted by a ferocious mythical wild animal. The second is when the children escape from their cell in Trolgar. It’s a favorite because it was a part of the story where I felt blocked. The answer ending up being a fresh twist on a cliché. The third is Zaria’s escape on the elk through the forest. It’s magical to me.
Q: As a writer are you a plotter or a pantser?
A: Both! Generally speaking, I know enough about my plot and story before I start writing that I have an idea for a beginning and an ending. I might even have a few middle scene parameters. But, how does the start of the book reach my conclusion parameters? It is here that I step back and allow the characters and events to help tell the story. I allow for spontaneity and improvisation because I believe it helps keep the story lively and natural.
Poll: How do you picture Christoffer Johansen?
When you’re reading Zaria Fierce and the Secret of Gloomwood Forest how do you picture Christoffer Johansen? Does he look liked Brandon Soo Hoo (Ender’s Game) or do you see him more as Christopher Jung?
[socialpoll id=”2233486″]
Q: Are you anything like Zaria Fierce?
A: In some respects. Zaria and I are both avid readers. She likes mythology and fantasy and so do I, but I also like many other genres of fiction. Like Zaria I had one friend at a time until suddenly I had many. Unlike Zaria, I’m not sure I would have been able to climb onto a wyvern and pull a spear from his back. In that respect she is a lot braver than me. I do not intend to get that close to wild animals.
Zaria Fierce’s Birthday Fashion
This is how I imagined Zaria’s birthday outfit:
Black Fleece Wool Dress from Brooks Brothers
Stand Collar Long Wool Blend Coat (Petite) from Nordstrom’s
Lyssé Control Top Leggings from Nordstrom’s
Red Plaid Hair Bow in Vintage Fabric from BeSomethingNew on Etsy
Journee Collection Women’s ‘Shelley-3’ Slouch Mid-Calf Microsuede Boot from Overstock
Poll: How do you picture Geirr Engelstad?
When you’re reading Zaria Fierce and the Secret of Gloomwood Forest how do you picture Geirr Engelstad? Does he remind you of Tyrel Jackson Williams (Lab Rats) or do you see him more as Jaden Harmon (Drop Dead Diva)?
[socialpoll id=”2233490″]