I had a great time last Saturday at the grand opening of the Titusville Splash Park. I heard about the event through my friend Amy. She knew I was looking for opportunities to bring my books to the public and this community event was a perfect match. I even got to meet the mayor! The kids had a great time with the goodies provided by the various vendors and the splash park was a huge success.
Lots of wonderful people came by the tent to inquire about my books and I gave out lots of cards, encouraging them to look me up on Amazon and to check the books out from the county library system. Zaria and I made some new fans which is great. I couldn’t ask for better!
One thing I plan to get, and in fact have already ordered, is an official banner to put in front of my table for future events. It’s the only thing I would change. Thanks everyone for stopping by and saying hello. Here are some highlights of the day!