One of my favorite aspects of being an author is interacting with fans. With permission, I have the wonderful pleasure to showcase some great fan art from Lizzy about the Zaria Fierce Series. I hope you enjoy her pieces as much as I do! Thank you so much Lizzy for sharing them with me.
The first group, Lizzy made using an app and the book cover of Zaria Fierce and the Secret of Gloomwood Forest. There are some really fun ones in here. Do you have a favorite? I think I like the red curly hair, the sunglasses, and the grinning one best!
Have you ever wondered what Aleks’ stargazer looks like? I love Lizzy’s depiction of it here. It’s fabulous!

Here Lizzy made a bookmark based on the book cover. Isn’t it just adorable? I love it!
Thank you again Lizzy for sharing these with me! xoxo