2024-11-18: 500 words. More of the battle is unfolding. The group is trying to figure out their next move. 4-5k left to write for this chapter.
2024-11-17: Not as much as I would have liked written, but the scene I connected is now edited to include the extra character present with them. 61K in the book.
2024-11-16: Another good writing session. I tied in that one scene. About 1400 words added to the story between the scene and my new words.
2024-11-15: 800+ words, 60K in book. Finished chapter 12. A scene I wrote waaaaay waaaaayy long ago got pushed to the next chapter. I’ll eventually tie it in. Maybe in the next writing session.
2024-11-13: 700+ words tonight. 59K in book, 5K+ in chapter 12. Getting close to ending the chapter. Only 2 chapters left + epilogue to go!
2024-11-12: Another renaming of a chapter (the same one). Had to research previous things I’d written to ensure accuracy of creature descriptions. I also had to lookup what I’d used before for group names / collective nouns for certain creatures. To aid in this search I combined all my final copies of ebooks together and guess what? Over 2400 pages make up this series so far!
2024-11-4: 850 words, 58K, 281 consecutive pages, 300 total pages. Today’s writing session was done with a friend. She was working on her paper for school. We had a good time.
2024-11-3: 700 words. 57K in book. On page 278. About 3K left for chapter 12. Retitled this chapter from what it was to something new. It made more sense and gave me time to get to the plot point. All chapter titles from this point were moved down by one. Epilogue got completely renamed and it’s original chapter title is no more in the book.
2024-11-2: 1200 words today. 56K. The final battle is picking up strides.
2024-10-31 part 3: I made it and with a little extra to spare 55,580.
2024-10-31 part 2: We’ll see if I still have this high a word count when I’m done. I forgot I pulled in some paragraphs from other books describing characters so I would have consistency and not mix up how they look/behave. I’m doing my best! Up to 800 words tonight (now at 55,340 count)
2024-10-31: I am currently sitting at 55,555 words which I thought was fun and worth a quick break to report. Happy Halloween!
2024-10-30: 700 words / 54K in the book.
2024-10-29: 450 words. New characters revealed. Research into previous books completed for consistency. There’s got to be a better way for me to look things up then go into each manuscript and searching.
2024-10-28: 950 words. 53K in book. Chapter 11 complete. Just 3 chapters and an epilogue left to go.
2024-10-27: 1000+ words, 52K in book. Chapter 11 nearly complete.
2024-10-16: Â 400+ words today.
2024-10-10: Hurricane went overhead. Lost power in the house. No writing today.
2024-9-20: The stock I’d ordered to have on hand for signed copies of the Zaria Fierce Series arrived. They were lovingly stored away and are ready for gifts/sales.
2024-9-13: 750+ words on my birthday. Great present to myself!
2024-9-11: 550+ words and the final battle is beginning….
2024-9-10: 50K words in the draft. 500+ new ones from tonight. Another 2-3k to write for this chapter.
2024-9-9: 650+ words tonight. Getting close to some action!
2024-9-7: 500+ words tonightÂ
2024-9-4: 400 wordsÂ
2024-8-12: Finished another draft of the ballad in book nine. Completely in pentameter now (a true feat let me tell you! Never before in my life have I counted so much on my fingers LOL). Back to writing chapter 11.
2024-7-8: Wrote 600 words. Played around with pentameter for cleanup on the ballad. Have more to do there but paused on that to finish chapter 10! Which I did! Book stands at 250 pages all together.