Book Quotes from Zaria Fierce and the Enchanted Drakeland Sword March 19, 2016 By Keira Gillett Which is your favorite?
Rosemary Kiladitis says March 19, 2016 at 4:50 pm The Sniffl-heim is the best one, I still giggle just reading it.
Keira Gillett says March 20, 2016 at 8:32 am Thank you! I giggled to myself when it came to me. You have to love Christoffer’s enthusiasm. He’s so happy to be on the adventure.
The Sniffl-heim is the best one, I still giggle just reading it.
Thank you! I giggled to myself when it came to me. You have to love Christoffer’s enthusiasm. He’s so happy to be on the adventure.