Raise your hand if you would like to learn more about the ellefolken race in the Zaria Fierce books. (Raises both hands!) I’m over at Brenda’s fabulous Log Cabin Library blog discussing world building and Norwegian mythology. Join me to learn more about Hector, his father, and his son, plus check out some artwork from the series and other artwork that inspired scenes in the books.
Brenda has also reviewed the first book in the Zaria Fierce Trilogy, and she had this to say:
Very quickly I was able to relate to Zaria, having been an Army brat and moving just about every four years growing up. I’m sure most people would’ve thought I was shy back then too. Like Zaria, I spent lots of time reading and dreaming up adventures. I especially enjoy that Zaria doesn’t stay this shy and quiet girl, and begins to develop confidence in herself, offering her opinion, fighting off wolf attacks and develops stronger friendships with Geirr, Filip and Aleks.
Update – Brenda now has her review for book two live!
I like how the action begins quickly and Gillett brings the reader up to speed on the plot, no time is wasted in getting these friends off on another adventure through the Norwegian countryside. Oh and that setting, it’s one of the most enjoyable things in reading Gillett’s stories. All the lovely rich details of each of the magical kingdoms, each place is unique and highlights the depth of her imagination.